
Monday, February 28, 2011

Leadership Matters

(Gregg Breinberg and the P.S. 22 Chorus, photo by Rosier/News, Linda)
P.S. 22 is a public elementary school in New York City. It's a regular school educating neighborhood children, just like schools around the country. In their midst, they have a great music teacher, known as Mr. B. If you haven't seen the videos of their 5th grade chorus floating around, you can view some of them on YouTube. What makes them different? Mr. B encourages the children to "not fake it, feel it." They have "felt it" all the way to worldwide fame. In fact, they sang on the Oscars last night. This group of 5th graders are getting a wonderful experience, but they are not just an exceptional class of 5th graders. Mr. B has been in this position since 1998, creating a wonderful chorus year after year.

Every leadership position matters. Every leader can have an impact on their sphere of influence. You don't need the most glamorous leadership position, you can make a difference where you are. It doesn't always lead to a trip to the Oscars, but it always had the potential to change a life. 
Ready to make a difference? Start by exploring who you were created to be and creating order in your world. $59 online interactive e-courses begin March 15 and run for 4 weeks.

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