
Friday, February 11, 2011

I recently passed a thresh hold: I now have more than 1000 Twitter followers. For those who are unfamiliar with Twitter, the updates from those I follow come quickly and all appear together in one long, every changing stream of information. Talk about TMI: Too Much Information. The things I might really have wanted to know were getting lost in the shear volume of tweets.

That all changed when I started to use lists. I divided the people I follow into five lists based on how I knew them or the content of their tweets. My entire Twitter experience changed. I could view a list with only the updates of artists or solopreneurs or Lutherans (or interesting people, that's one of my lists). With fewer tweets on a list, the more useful information rose to the top. I was able to join in conversations, when before it had just been a firehose of useless facts and links.

By organizing and drawing boundaries around the information, I actually learned more. What do you need to organize or draw a boundary around in order to make the entire situation more manageable?

To get organized and learn to set boundaries, set up a coaching session.

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