
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Busiest Day of the Year

It's the busiest day of the year. Even though it's a special occasion, no one on the staff gets the day off. Special arrangements are made for record crowds. Although extra hours of operation have been added for the special occasion, it seems that everyone wants to attend at the same particular time. People arrive in their best clothes, accompanied by the people they love. Not enough seats are available so an extra section is opened up to make room for more people. Thematic decorations adorn every possible fixture. Special music is played for the occasion. The staff is provided with a catered meal for working on such an intense day.

All of these statements are true of working in a large church on Christmas Eve and working in a chocolate restaurant on Valentine's Day. And now I have done both.


  1. I love this. I just read the whole paragraph through two times and it's so true. Rory and I went to a nice restaurant on Sunday and laughed when we walked in and all of the tables had been replaces with tables for was like a checker board of mini round tables..

    So what is a chocolate restaurant and where do I find myself one of those?!!!

  2. Hi Becca! Someone like you would definitely understand both sides of this post. Glad that you like it! I hostess on the weekends at Max Brenner Chocolate by the Bald Man. It's a big international chain with only two locations in the United States, but they are making plans to expand. Until then, come to the NYC location!

    I read last week that your dad is going to do interim work at Luther - awesome!


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